Data Warehousing Data Mining (DWDM) Notes/Summary for Computer Science Seniors at Bachelor of Science (Engineering) - Free PDF Download


New Member
Feb 23, 2018
University Course
Hello to all BS students having Computer Science and IT Major,

On this page, I am sharing very good classroom lecture notes in PDF format on the subject - Data Warehousing Data Mining (DWDM). The subject Data Warehousing Data Mining (DWDM) is mostly taught in the Senior year of the Bachelors of Science (Engineering) course to students having Computer Science or IT major.

I have uploaded these lecture notes on Data Warehousing Data Mining (DWDM) in PDF format for easy downloading below. Here is more info on it:

Subject Name: Data Warehousing Data Mining
Course: Computer Science/ Information Technology Major for Senior Year at Bachelor of Science (Engineering) as per US University curriculum
No. of Pages in this notes eBook: 146

Topics covered in Data Warehousing Data Mining lecture notes eBook:
  • Data Warehousing, Online Analytical Processing
  • Data Mining, Association Analysis: Basic Concepts and Algorithms
  • Classifications, Clustering Technique and Web Mining
You can download these lecture notes eBook for the subject - Data Warehousing Data Mining for Computer Science Seniors at Bachelor of Science (Engineering) at US university by clicking the link below. Cheers!


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