Environmental Engineering Notes/Summary for Civil Engineering Juniors at Bachelor of Science in US - Free PDF Download


New Member
Feb 23, 2018
University Course
Hello to all BS Sophomores having Civil Engineering as Major,

I am sharing super helpful classroom lecture notes eBook in PDF format on the subject - Environmental Engineering. The subject Environmental Engineering is mostly taught to Junior year students in Bachelor of Science course having Civil engineering major at American Universities.

I have uploaded these classroom lecture notes and book summary on Environmental Engineering in PDF format for easy downloading below. Here is more info on it:

Subject Name: Environmental Engineering
Course: Civil Engineering Major for juniors at Bachelor of Science as per US University curriculum
No. of Pages in this notes eBook: 45

Topics covered in Environmental Engineering lecture notes eBook:
  1. Introduction to Standards, Sampling, Collection and Preservation of samples
  2. Presumptive test for coliform bacteria
  3. Determination of pH and conductivity of water and wastewater
  4. Determination of Solids
  5. (suspended, dissolved and settleable)
  6. Determination of Acidity, Alkalinity and Hardness
  7. Determination of fluoride and nitrate
  8. Measurement of Chlorides and residual chlorine
  9. Ambient air quality measurement using High Volume Sampler
  10. Exhaust gas analysis for air pollutants
  11. Measurement of noise at different sources using sound meter
  12. Characterization of municipal solid waste (physical and chemical)

You can download the PDF lecture notes eBook for the subject - Environmental Engineering for Civil Engineering Juniors at Bachelor of Science (Engineering) at US university by clicking the link below. Cheers!


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