Solid Waste Management (SWM) Notes/Summary for Civil Engineering Seniors at Bachelor of Science in US - Free PDF Download


New Member
Feb 9, 2018
University Course
Hello to all BS Sophomores having Civil Engineering as Major,

I am sharing super helpful classroom lecture notes eBook in PDF format on the subject - Solid Waste Management (SWM). The subject Solid Waste Management (SWM) is mostly taught to Seniors year students in Bachelor of Science course having Civil engineering major at American Universities.

I have uploaded these classroom lecture notes and book summary on Solid Waste Management (SWM) in PDF format for easy downloading below. Here is more info on it:

Subject Name: Solid Waste Management (SWM)
Course: Civil Engineering Major for Seniors at Bachelor of Science as per US University curriculum
No. of Pages in this notes eBook: 118

Topics covered in Solid Waste Management (SWM) lecture notes eBook:
  • Definition of solid waste, Domestic: garbage, ashes, rubbish, dust, debris., Commercial: wastes from offices, shops and markets etc., Hazardous waste: household, industrial
  • Sources, Quality and Quantity of solid wastes, Quantity, composition and properties of solid wastes, Compositions: physical, chemical and biological constituents, Sampling and characterization of solid wastes
  • Collection, segregation, storage and transportation of solid waste, collection centers, Transportation methods, economy in transportation of waste, optimization of transportation routes
  • Disposal of solid waste, Segregation, reduction at source, recovery and recycle, Disposal methods, composting, vermin-composting, Modern trends: Thermal, biological and chemical conversion technologies
  • Industrial solid waste: Waste products during manufacture, filling and parking, operation of pollution control facilities, generation, minimization at source, recycling and disposal.
  • Introduction to hazardous waste: generation, minimization at source, treatment and disposal
  • Effect of solid waste on environment
You can download the handwritten lecture notes eBook for Solid Waste Management (SWM) for Civil Engineering Seniors at Bachelor of Science (Engineering) at US university by clicking the link below. Cheers!


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